Animated short, feature-length and series projects, in various stages, which will soon take to the big and small screens.
Dir. Lírio Ferreira / Coproduction URSO FILMES
Dir. Lírio Ferreira / Coproduction URSO FILMES
Dir. Rogi Silva and Juliana Soares / Animated short
Dir. Rogi Silva and Juliana Soares / Animated short
Dir. Letícia Simões / Coproduction POEMA TROPICAL
Dir. Letícia Simões / Coproduction POEMA TROPICAL
By Laís Araújo / Co-directed with Pethrus Tibúrcio / Coproduction AGUDA CINEMA
By Laís Araújo / Co-directed with Pethrus Tibúrcio / Coproduction AGUDA CINEMA
Animated short - screenplay and directed by Nara Aragão and Renata Roberta
Animated short - screenplay and directed by Nara Aragão and Renata Roberta
By Wislam Esmeraldo / Co-directed with Hilton Lacerda
By Wislam Esmeraldo / Co-directed with Hilton Lacerda
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