João Vieira Jr. studied law at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. He has worked with important Brazilian film directors such as Adelina Pontual, Armando Praça, Cao Guimarães, Cláudio Assis, Hilton Lacerda, Jorane Castro, Karim Aïnouz, Letícia Simões, Lírio Ferreira, Marcelo Gomes and Tatiana Almeida (Tita). He is the producer of the feature films Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures, I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You, Once Upon a Time Verônica, Tattoo, The Man of the Crowd, Joaquim, Greta, Waiting for the Carnival, Home, Party Over, Fortaleza Hotel, Knots and Paloma. He is the executive producer of the films Love for Sale, Bog of Beasts and The Little Prince's Rap Against The Wicked Souls. For TV, he produced the fictional series Fim do Mundo, Lama dos Dias and Chão de Estrelas and the documentary KFZ-1348. He was president of ABD/PE. He is currently a member of the Audiovisual Advisory Board of the State of Pernambuco.
Nara Aragão is a live-action and animation producer. Graduated in Social Communication and Master in Communication from UFPE, she worked at REC Producers Associados from 2001 to 2017, of which she became a partner, when, together with João Vieira Jr., she founded Carnaval Films. In animation, she produced the series Bia Desenha (TV Cultura, TV Brasil, Canal Futura), she is a producer and screenwriter for the series DÓ-RÉ-MI Fadas and Contos de Mungará. With an extensive career in live-action productions, she was the executive producer of the features I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You (Marcelo Gomes and Karim Aïnouz), Once Upon a Time Verônica (Marcelo Gomes) and Tattoo (Hilton Lacerda). She produced the features Party Over (Hilton Lacerda) and Paloma (Marcelo Gomes), Waiting for the Carnival (Marcelo Gomes) and Home (Letícia Simões) and the TV series Chão de Estrelas (Hilton Lacerda) for Canal Brasil. She co-produced the feature Greta (Armando Praça) and was executive producer of the series Fim do Mundo (Hilton Lacerda) also for Canal Brasil. President of the Brazilian Association of Animation Cinema-ABCA, she has been an Associate since 2010. She is part of its Training Center and was one of the organizers of ConDIA-Conference of the International Day of Animation.
Producers's Catalogue

Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures
99min, Fic, 2005
Director: Marcelo Gomes
Screenwriters: Marcelo Gomes, Karim Aïnouz, Paulo Caldas
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Sara Silveira, Maria Ionescu
99min, Fic, 2005
Director: Marcelo Gomes
Screenwriters: Marcelo Gomes, Karim Aïnouz, Paulo Caldas
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Sara Silveira, Maria Ionescu

110min, Fic, 2013
Director and Screenwriter: Hilton Lacerda
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Ofir Figueiredo, Chico Ribeiro
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão
110min, Fic, 2013
Director and Screenwriter: Hilton Lacerda
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Ofir Figueiredo, Chico Ribeiro
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão

I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You
71min, Fic/Doc, 2009
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Gomes, Karim Aïnouz
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Daniela Capelato
Executive Producers: Nara Aragão, Lívia de Melo
71min, Fic/Doc, 2009
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Gomes, Karim Aïnouz
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Daniela Capelato
Executive Producers: Nara Aragão, Lívia de Melo

97min, Fic, 2017
Director and Screenwriter: Marcelo Gomes
Producer: João Vieira Jr.
Coproducers: Pandora da Cunha Telles, Pablo Iraola
Executive Producers: Nara Aragão, Ernesto Soto
97min, Fic, 2017
Director and Screenwriter: Marcelo Gomes
Producer: João Vieira Jr.
Coproducers: Pandora da Cunha Telles, Pablo Iraola
Executive Producers: Nara Aragão, Ernesto Soto

The Man of the Crowd
95min, Fic, 2014
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Gomes, Cao Guimarães
Producers: Beto Magalhães, João Vieira Jr.
95min, Fic, 2014
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Gomes, Cao Guimarães
Producers: Beto Magalhães, João Vieira Jr.

Love for Sale
88min, Fic, 2006
Director: Karim Aïnouz
Screenwriters: Karim Aïnouz, Felipe Bragança, Maurício Zacharias
Executive Producers: João Vieira Jr., François Gonot
88min, Fic, 2006
Director: Karim Aïnouz
Screenwriters: Karim Aïnouz, Felipe Bragança, Maurício Zacharias
Executive Producers: João Vieira Jr., François Gonot

Bog of Beasts
80min, Fic, 2007
Director: Cláudio Assis
Screenwriters: Cláudio Assis e Hilton Lacerda
Executive Producer: João Vieira Jr.
80min, Fic, 2007
Director: Cláudio Assis
Screenwriters: Cláudio Assis e Hilton Lacerda
Executive Producer: João Vieira Jr.

Once Upon a Time Verônica
100min, Fic, 2012
Director and Screenwriter: Marcelo Gomes
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Sara Silveira, Maria Ionescu
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão
100min, Fic, 2012
Director and Screenwriter: Marcelo Gomes
Producers: João Vieira Jr., Sara Silveira, Maria Ionescu
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão

Good Luck, Sweetheart
95min, Fic, 2012
Director: Daniel Aragão
Screenwriters: Daniel Aragão, Gregorio Graziosi, Luiz Otávio Pereira
Producer: Pedro Severien
Coproducer: João Vieira Jr.
Executive Producers: Isabela Cribabi, Manoela Torres, Nara Aragão
95min, Fic, 2012
Director: Daniel Aragão
Screenwriters: Daniel Aragão, Gregorio Graziosi, Luiz Otávio Pereira
Producer: Pedro Severien
Coproducer: João Vieira Jr.
Executive Producers: Isabela Cribabi, Manoela Torres, Nara Aragão

Para Ter Onde Ir
100min, Fic, 2016
Director and Screenwriter: Jorane Castro
Producers: Jorane Castro, Ofir Figueiredo
Coproducers: João Vieira Jr, Chico Ribeiro, Nara Aragão
100min, Fic, 2016
Director and Screenwriter: Jorane Castro
Producers: Jorane Castro, Ofir Figueiredo
Coproducers: João Vieira Jr, Chico Ribeiro, Nara Aragão

Fake Blonde
103min, Fic, 2008
Director and Screenwriter: Carlos Reichenbach
Associate Producer: João Vieira Jr.
103min, Fic, 2008
Director and Screenwriter: Carlos Reichenbach
Associate Producer: João Vieira Jr.

The Little Prince's Rap Against The Wicked Souls
75min, Doc, 2000
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Luna, Paulo Caldas
Executive Producers: João Vieira Jr., Danielle Hoover, Luis Vidal
75min, Doc, 2000
Direction and Screenplay: Marcelo Luna, Paulo Caldas
Executive Producers: João Vieira Jr., Danielle Hoover, Luis Vidal

82min, Doc, 2008
Direction and Screenplay: Gabriel Mascaro, Marcelo Pedroso
Producer: João Vieira Jr.
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão
82min, Doc, 2008
Direction and Screenplay: Gabriel Mascaro, Marcelo Pedroso
Producer: João Vieira Jr.
Executive Producer: Nara Aragão